CHICAGO, directed by David Geinosky, is led by Anna Marie Abbate and Taylor DiTola as the show's infamous murderesses, Roxie Hart and Velma Kelly, respectively. The cast also features Tony Calzaretta (Billy Flynn), Andrew McCarthy (Amos Hart), Denise Tamburrino (Matron "Mama" Morton), B. Rivera (Mary Sunshine), Lewis R. Jones (Sergeant Fogerty), Abby Boegh (Liz), Kara Vombrack (Annie), Isis Elizabeth (June), Anna Backer (Hunyak), Sally Staats (Mona) with an ensemble of Russell Badalmenti, Kathy Blaheta, Andrea Cain, Liz Conway, Maggie May Dominick, Sabrina Edwards, Alex Iacobucci, Ryan Jozaitis, Allison Kasbee, Artem Lazarev, Lindsey Millman, Jessica Miret, Travis Monroe Neese, Oana Odean, Ben Paynic, Joshua A. Peterson, and Brent Walker.
The production team also includes Aaron Kaplan (Music Direction), Kristine Burdi (Choreography), David Geinosky (Scenic Design), Martha Shuford (Costume Design), Debbie Szczesniak (Producer) and Brent Walker (Producer).
CHICAGO opens Friday, April 27, 2018 and runs through May 13 at Prairie Lakes Theater, 515 E. Thacker Street in Des Plaines, IL. Performances are on Friday and Saturday evenings at 7:30pm and Sunday afternoons at 2pm with a special weekday performance on Wednesday, May 9 at 2pm. Ticket prices range from $16 to $30 for children, students, seniors (65+), and adults. Email about special rates for groups of 15 or more. Click here for more information and to purchase tickets online.