The Big Noise Theatre Board of Directors welcomes you to join us for downtown-quality shows in the suburbs!
Meet the Board
- Martha Shuford
Vice President
- Travis Monroe Neese
- Ray Mindas
- Amanda Donohoe
- Marian Kaderbek
- Allison Kasbee
- Kyle Kite
- Scott Spector
- Brent Walker
- Amanda Wilt
Daiva Paulis
On November 15, 2020 Big Noise Theatre lost one of our own, Daiva Paulis, who served the organization in a number of capacities, including Vice President of the Board.
Daiva was involved in countless productions with our company, ranging in roles from Stage Manager, Producer, Stage Crew, and more in some of our most beloved shows, such as BIG FISH, CABARET, RAGTIME, HAIR, DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDRELS, THE DROWSY CHAPERONE, RENT, and SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITH GEORGE. Her passionate spirit and hard work was unparalleled; every production that Daiva touched was in turn made better for it. She was truly a presence within Big Noise Theatre, and one that we as a community will be mourning for a long time.
Our Mission
To deepen a human connection between audience members, performing artists, and creative staff by telling stories, sharing knowledge, and fostering social inclusion.
Our Vision
Big Noise Theatre promotes the arts in and around the Des Plaines area by providing an opportunity for all individuals to participate in, learn from, and enjoy the performing arts. We seek to expand and surpass the expectations of our performers, collaborators, and audiences. BNT continues to embrace moral responsibility by using our platform to expand social awareness.